Easy Diving and Beach Resort
Sipalay Easy Diving and Beach Resort is located in the Island of Negros Occidental, Philippines. The Resort and the Dive Center is owned by a Swiss National and PADI Instructor. The Resort officially started to operate since November 2003 and it became a 5***** Star PADI IDC Dive Resort in 2006.
The Dive Center is operated under Swiss Management. All dives are guided by PADI Instructors or local Divemasters. The Dive Center offers reliable and latest diving equipment, advantage for all divers who need rental equipment and for people who like to become a diver. Easy Diving has 5 diving Bancas and most of the 30 dive spots are accessible within the vicinity, which means 5 to 10 minutes boat ride from the Resort.
Easy Diving and Beach Resort
http://www.sipalay.com - Agoda: Easy Diving and Beach Resort
Punta Ballo Brgy 4, Sipalay City
Bacolod / Negros Occidental
Philippines 6113